Mack Brock


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Resurrecting KingLeaving a godly legacy…what a glorious part of our calling to follow Christ!  As a dad, I understand what it feels like to see your kids investing themselves in the work of the kingdom.  In this worship video, my young friend Mack Brock, son of my long-time ministry buddy, Don Brock, points an arena of worshipers to the resurrected King of Glory!

In his worship leader role with Elevate Worship, Mack influences thousands each week in live settings to worship the Lord Jesus.  Then, through videos like this one, millions more bow down to the King and join their voices in praise.  As of this posting, over 7 million people have viewed this video!

I am so thankful to have known Mack since he was a very little boy.  Now I get to join his parents with delight watch the Lord use him in a powerful way!  Praise God for this talented, Christ-centered and committed young man!  And thank you Don and Mary for growing him up in the Lord!!

Note:  You may have to skip over an ad at the beginning to get right to the video!

“All Things New” — Mack Brock

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5156_710657270097_3492274_nOne of my life-long friends, Don Brock, is a pastor in the Columbia, South Carolina area.  Since our kids were about the same age, we spent some time together a few times…at the beach, DisneyWorld.  Now everyone is grown up and pursuing life on God’s terms.  Don’s son, Mack, is a singer/songwriter/worship leader at Elevation Church in Charlotte.  They have just released a new CD, “Elevation Worship–Nothing Wasted” with Mack playing a significant role in writing and producing as well as singing and playing on it.

He is one of those guys you need to know about!  Here is a video of one of his songs in a live worship setting with Mack singing the lead.  It is lots of fun having talented friends!!