One Voice

My Friend James White, MLK Day Keynote Speaker

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jamesThis morning, my good friend James White gave the keynote address at the annual MLK breakfast out at the Sheraton Imperial in the Triangle.  I’ve been before to this breakfast meeting several times but not in recent years.

I have known James for more years than I can count as a fellow-pastor and a leader with great wisdom.  So when I got word that he was to give the keynote address at the MLK breakfast before a crowd of well over a thousand people, I wanted to go support him.  What a huge honor to be invited to speak!  As a strong, biblical, passionate pastor, I knew his voice would be different from normal political speeches  Of that, I was certain!
In the first  several minutes, he recounts his own history and addresses some of the cultural issues and racial tensions still plaguing our nation.  But just as I was wondering how he was going to proceed, he introduced John 5 and then things got very interesting very quickly!
The results were extraordinary and I wanted you to have a link to the message.  His talk goes just under 30 minutes and I just watched it again and got the same chill bumps I got sitting there in person!  The video link from WRAL-TV is quite long so you will want to scroll ahead in the video to the 1:18:00 mark through the 1:47:46 mark to hear what James had to say.  Not your traditional political speech or polite platitudes by a motivational speaker–James demonstrates once again that God has gifted him as a preacher of His Word!!  He does not take it easy on Trump nor does he give ground to Democrats or Republicans or NAACP or Malcolm X–he just presents Jesus as the only hope, the only voice to which we must listen!
Sorry to go on and on but it was a great morning I will not soon forget!  If you don’t have time to watch, no problem!  Just wanted you to have access to it if you are curious!  Not sure how long WRAL will keep this video up so if you are interested, go check it out!